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You were born with everything you need to answer the call of your soul. 你天生…

憂鬱症算是一種疾病嗎? 如果從「症狀」來看,那是行為與精神狀態的失序;如果從「病…

亞馬遜攻AI 攜手新創…

憂鬱症傾向 你擔心自己的工作嗎?擔心自己的地位嗎?擔心自己的婚姻嗎?擔心自己的健…

》美股新聞 S&P 500 4330.00(-1.64%) 道瓊工業 34070.42/-37…

Your dreams aren’t made, or broken, by anyone but you. 你的夢想不是由任何人打造…

You’ve got to be in a bad relationship to really understand what a great …

Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear…

企業的可信度來自八大項: The credibility of a corporation is derived from: 1. …