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The credibility of a corporation is derived from:

1. 經營階層的穩定度 (Stability of the executive management)

2. 高階主管的認真度 (Commitment of top executives)

3. 全球化的平衡度 (Globalization balance)

4. 經營決策的速度 (Speed of decision-making)

5. 員工利益緊密度 (Closeness to employee interests)

6. 客戶的分散度 (Diversification of customer base)

7. 技術的掌握度 (Mastery of technology)

8. 團隊的合作度 (Team collaboration)

郭台銘 (Terry Gou),鴻海 (Foxconn) 集團創辦人

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